Identifying European Partnerships

Identifying European Partnerships is an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process. This will ensure alignment with the programme’s priorities.

The Strategic Plan needs to contain the identified co-programmed and co-funded European Partnerships and is a Commission Decision subject to the comitology procedure. The Institutionalised Partnerships are based on Articles 185 and 187 TFEU and follow the procedure for the legislative acts. All European Partnerships are being brought together in one document.

The Commission carried out an extensive co-creation exercise to identify the priorities for European Partnerships. Besides all Services, Member States and stakeholders have been involved as part of the Horizon Europe strategic planning.

For the 1st Strategic Plan, the process resulted in a portfolio of 49 candidates for European Partnerships. The results from the structured consultation of EU countries are summarised in the report European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States.

For Institutionalised Partnerships, the Commission has published inception impact assessments to inform citizens and stakeholders about the Commission's plans. An open public consultation covering all Institutionalised Partnerships candidates based on Articles 185 and 187 was carried out between September and November 2019. The full impact assessments are available here.

The list of European Partnerships can be found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.

Full details of candidates, draft proposal documents and contact details are available on the Commission’s website.

The consultation process for European Partnerships of the 2nd Strategic Plan has started in 2023. Fiches for new Partnership proposals are expected to be published on the Commission’s website in summer 2023. After the consultation process with the Member States and Associated States, the new European Partnerships will be included in the 2nd Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe expected for end of March 2024.

You can find a list of the European Partnerships with information on the types of Partnerships with start and end dates in the ERA-Learn Partnership Database.


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European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States

Publisher: European Commission

Category: Report

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