

Found 506 documents.

Task Force on Monitoring & Evaluation of the JPIs: Final Report

This report identifies five jointly agreed key dimensions along with relevant indicators that are described including information on how they can be measured.
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European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States

In May 2019, the Commission launched a consultation of Member States on 44 possible candidates for European Partnerships as part of a strategic coordinating process ...
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Thematic Partnership Workshop Report

First Thematic Partnership Workshop (Brussels, 15-16 May 2019): Improve coherence of partnerships in thematic research areas
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Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"

Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under H ...
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Candidates for European Partnerships

Preliminary list of candidates for European Partnerships in Pillar II, III and cross-pillar, and short description of what the partnership stands and aims for
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EC Presentation European Partnerships

A presentation of European Partnerships for the Strategic coordinating process for Partnerships informing the Structured consultation of Member States
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Partnership Fiches for European Partnerships

44 Fiches for each candidate for a European Partnership (Pillar II, III and cross-pillar) in Horizon Europe are availble for download here.
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Structured Consultation of Member States - Guidelines

Guideline Document for the Structured Consultation of Member States via the Shadow Configuration of the Strategic Programme Committee
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Status-quo of partnerships in prospective areas of Horizon Europe

ERA-LEARN has carried out - following a recommendation by ERAC - a partnership analyses that have been performed in relation to the clusters under Pillar II “Global ...
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4th Annual Report on Public-Public Partnerships (2018)

The 4th Annual Report on Public-Public Partnerships (P2Ps) that has been prepared by the ERA-LEARN 2020 project team using data provided by the P2P networks.
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European R&I Partnerships - Status report

The PowerPoint presentation "European R&I Partnerships - Status report" given under item 5.3 of the ERAC Plenary agenda of 22 March 2019.
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