Project: Caregivers and Me

Acronym CoME (Reference Number: aal-2014-1-127)
Duration 01/12/2015 - 01/12/2018
Project Topic Ageing society faces an increasing need for care which complicates seniors’ access to care systems and society. This puts unaffordable pressures on informal caregivers, who have to provide care to seniors 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Therefore, there is a need to provide a solution that reconcile increased seniors’ care demand with an informal caregivers’ care offer which allows them to participate in society while care for seniors. CoME offers an innovative service-oriented platform based on ICT which will allow to empower older people with Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI) or in risk of having it, in a social context through an integrated seamless care approach which will not require from informal caregivers continuous monitoring. This platform will be a much tailored solution for care attention so as to improve and maintain the well-being, self-management and independence of the elderly living in their own homes and reducing healthcare costs. CoME is not based on illness, but is based on MCI prevention, potentially detection and proactively actuation. The service will make use of Quantified Self (QS) trend to monitor the physical, intellectual, emotional and social wellbeing of each senior by formal caregivers and Augmented Reality (AR) to cater informal caregivers for the information and training needed for improving efficiency of the service delivered to seniors. This information and training will be provided by formal caregivers that will play an active role in the service. Finally, in order to ensure bring a new, innovative, useful and extensible product to the market, Consortium will be integrated for three small-medium enterprises which will act as business partners and are distributed along different European countries. This, together with end-users organizations that will involve end-users during the whole project process, from requirement to test phases, will grant a service tailored to end-users’ needs and with a wide European spread.
Network AAL 2
Call Call 2014 – Care for the future

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Connectedcare services BV Netherlands
HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL Spain
Instituto Investigación Biomédica de Lleida - Hospital Santa Maria Spain
Pannon Gazdasági Hálózat Egyesület (Pannon Business Network Association) Hungary
University of Geneva Switzerland
VIGISENSE SA Switzerland