Project: Making sense of data to promote effortless healthy eating habits and autonomy for older people

Acronym CordonGris (Reference Number: aal-2015-2-016)
Duration 02/05/2016 - 02/05/2018
Project Topic Challenges addressed and AAL-solutions proposed Malnutrition is a major cause of frailty amongst older people, affecting circa 2/3 of seniors. Its deep social routes strongly impact one’s sense of independence, autonomy and wellbeing. Food involves information, social situations, shopping, management, personal finances, mobility. Technology will be used as a transparent tool to promote independence and health through a ‘flat-rate food’ concept. 2. Target groups for the AAL-solution proposal Comparison of different scenarios: independent living, serviced apartments, nursing homes, and day-care centres, always involving 2 partners in each country (end-user + company). 3. Technology to be employed The system will gather and manage all relevant data for the recommendation of a healthy diet, coming from different sources: sensors for activity monitoring, user reported data (mobile devices), country-specific food databases, retailers’ information, service providers’ information (central platform). By making sense of all the data, the central intelligent system can generate recommendations ranging from meals to physical activity or other healthy behaviours and prompt people to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 4. Business model There is a win-win situation for endusers and companies through a balance of supply and demand and reduction of food waste. The project considers different ways of consuming food: retailers, food producers, pre-prepared food and the well-known concept of meals-on-wheels. Cordon Gris will work as a service people can subscribe to so as to guarantee a healthy life on a budget. 5. End user participation Over 100 users from 3 countries and a control group will be involved in field trials. Ethnographic-like research and constant iterative testing through the design and development, guarantee a service and a product design in co-creation with seniors, designers, gerontologists, sociologists and nutritionists.
Network AAL 2
Call Call 2015 – Living actively and independently at home

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research Portugal
Can Cook CIC United Kingdom – Vendas por Correspondência, S.A. Portugal
Red Ninja Studios United Kingdom
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Portugal
Unie KBO Netherlands