Project: Physical Activity Monitoring for Aging People

Acronym PAMAP (Reference Number: aal-2008-1-162)
Duration 01/07/2009 - 01/07/2012
Project Topic Monitoring of physical activities is a growing field with many diverse applications in the area of Ambient Assisted Living, ranging from medical screening, disorder diagnosis, rehabilitation, to wellness being. A balanced physical activity is essential for ?well aging?, and represents a fundamental indicator of good health and life quality. It is well-known that physical activity plays a positive role against Chronic Conditions, and more precisely, stimulates the immune system, decreases depressive state, reduces muscle loosening, activates the bone remodeling, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is an excellent factor for the functional rehabilitation process. In advanced clinical cases, physical activity becomes vital, and patients must, for example, walk or change their posture in bed at regular time intervals. Current monitoring systems are rather costly, often required wires or special infrastructure, and are often more dedicated to motion analysis than to capturing muscle-skeleton efforts and activities. The objective of this project is to develop an unobtrusive and fully mobile system that enables the accurate monitoring of the physical activities of aging people. The system will base on a set of tiny MEMS sensor units and dedicated software for professional and private use. It will rely on a sounded bio-mechanical model of the human body, measure accurately the motions and efforts of the upper and lower limbs, thanks to an appropriate parameterization. The system will be usable in- and outdoor, and will enable monitoring of users during their daily activities. It will be modular and will cover applications from well-being to patient monitoring. Important efforts will be put on the User-Interface that will, in an entertaining and motivating way, accompany the user during the day, and enable reviewing and sharing of the recorded activity measurements with physicians, family members, or friends, for medical supervision or private purposes.
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