Project Topic
The idea of T&Tnet is to provide personalised context-based multimodal and multinational social journey planning with affective capabilities and an easy to follow adaptive real time guidance making use of artificial reasoning based on an information manager (filtering and combining). This solution will allow them to carry out and solve movement tasks and problems independently. T&Tnet not only provides solutions helping elderly to get to a specific destination making use of a different transport means, but offers navigation/orientation adapted to the user preferences in real time which makes use of transport information (schedule, delay, occupation …), emotions, social networks, a collaborative evolutionary platform and message/ alarm/bring-back to the route system. When the system starts at first time, the user will be asked to select his preferences (like the priority to take a bus, a train or walk… the max time he expects to walk, if he has problems taking a crowded vehicle, priority to meet friends in the same way versus go alone…). Then, when the user wants to use the system, he starts the program in the smartphone setting the origin, destination, time of arrival and leeway. The proposed route could be previewed by the user, relatives and carers allowing them to change it. The system will be improved with the time taking into account changing user’s preferences, surrounding and feelings in different situations. To achieve this, a geo-locate collaborative map will be created, showing relevant aspects relative to the public transport and the way. Each time new events take place (eg. Arrive at a bus stop, go into a train, and finish a walked stretch …) some questions about the events may arrive to the mobile, asking input to the user in an easy and intuitive way. A collaborative website based on an accessible GIS2.0 will be developed allowing anyone to provide information without the need of the mobile application.