Project: Assistive exoskeletons suitable for elderly persons

Acronym AXO-SUIT (Reference Number: aal-2013-6-042)
Duration 01/10/2014 - 01/04/2018
Project Topic AXO-SUIT brings together end-user, companies and universities experienced in R&D of assistive devices to specify the full-body personal mobility, reaching, and grasping requirements of elderly persons to allow them to continue managing their daily activities related to voluntary occupation. The real-world problems of ageing affecting both individuals and society are addressed by focussing on designing and developing assistive exoskeleton solutions able to supplement the degradation in the personal mobility and handling capabilities of elderly persons so that they are able to stay active and independent in their own homes and contribute to helping their needier neighbourhood friends in a variety of everyday tasks. Real-world mobility and handling requirements obtained are used to realise theoretical concepts and modular frameworks to design, develop and test various exoskeleton prototypes (upper-, lowerand full-body systems which form the AXO-SUIT products) . The overall work plan is organised in 6 workpackages: 1) WP1 (End users): Setting up and managing an end user group so the full-body assistance requirements of elderly persons can be determined and the resulting AXO-SUIT exoskeletons tested and validated by real end users; 2) WP2 (Lower-body sub-systems): Development of software and hardware elements for the upper-body exoskeleton, integration and testing; 3) WP3 (Upper-body sub-systems) Development of software and hardware elements for the lower-body exoskeleton, integration and testing; 4) WP4 (System integration and evaluation): Development of system architecture specification, all elements for the full-body exoskeleton, integration and planning for the end user testing in Denmark, Belgium and Sweden; 5) WP5 (Commercialisation): Development of business and service models for implementation in different regions of the EU, and 6) WP6 (Project management): Overall work plan management and administration, finance, reporting, quality assurance, etc.
Network AAL
Call Call 6 – Supporting occupation in life for older adults

Project partner