Project: Personalized adaptive workplace health promotion for older employees

Acronym healthy@work (Reference Number: aal-2013-6-079)
Duration 01/04/2014 - 01/04/2016
Project Topic The goal of healthy@work (personalized adaptive workplace health promotion for older employees) is to improve the quality of life of older people with a new approach in occupational health promotion. The project addresses the often-experienced gap between just knowing what would be good for your body and mind and actually starting to change your daily behaviour and also helps to sustain an achieved change. Healthy@work focuses on two specific target groups of older employees - care-giving professionals and office workers. These two job profiles cover a large enough share of the employment market and are prone to a shortage of experienced workers in future, so companies have a strong interest to support their older employees to keep healthy and enable them to stay occupied as long as possible. The end user organizations of the consortium show a strong interest and their employees will test the pilot application in real life. Healthy@work is a mobile app and server platform that combines the abilities of mobile and wearable sensor devices with fixed or temporarily installed IT and building automation technology. This allows providing context-aware and personally adapted health inputs and healthy activities. The app provides the most effective input at the right time and the right place for each individual participant. It accompanies the participant on his daily work routine, automatically measuring health related behaviour and provides input in the areas movement, nutrition, breaks, ergonomics and health knowledge. Special needs of target groups are addressed, e.g. a focus is given to measure and improve ergonomics of patient handling in caregiving using wearable sensor technology. YouPers will market the service as part of its digital health platform to large enterprises that have existing budgets for occupational health promotion and to insurance companies who have an interest to address health at their corporate clients.
Network AAL
Call Call 6 – Supporting occupation in life for older adults

Project partner