Project: Marine Plasmids Driving the Spread of Antibiotic Resistances

Acronym MAPMAR (Reference Number: ID 417)
Duration 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024
Project Topic Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are one of the most challenging contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Instead of being directly produced by human activity, ARGs emerge as consequence of antibiotic use in clinical settings, and residual antibiotic contamination. ARGs spread through horizontal gene transfer and conjugative plasmids, because their ability to cross inter-species barriers, are key in this process. Recent findings revealed the existence of marine plasmids (MAPS) of global distribution and broad host range. These MAPS can transmit ARGs across oceanic distances, and may reintroduce them to human food chains via marine products. They are, however, different to classical plasmids from clinical settings. MAPMAR uses metagenomics, data science and single-cell sequencing to obtain a catalog of most prevalent and transmissible MAPs. By testing methods to block their transmission, MAPMAR explores strategies to curtail the risk of oceans acting as highways for ARG propagation.
Project Results
(after finalisation)
1. A catalog of the marine plasmidome, and its relationship to the plasmidome present in continental and estuarine ecosystems. Such catalog will be key in tracing the major traffickers shuttling AGRs across ecosystems. 2. A list of the most transmissible MAPs identified in aquatic ecosystems, together with an assessment of their host range. This in turn will serve to elaborate a risk index, indicating which plasmids and host species are more prone to act as super-spreaders of antibiotic resistances. 3. An assessment on the ability of MAPs and antibiotic resistant bacteria present in marine waters to re-enter into the AGR cycle by their incorporation to marine products. The ability of conjugation inhibitors to break this vicious cycle will be investigated.
Network AquaticPollutants
Call 1st AquaticPollutants Joint Call 2020

Project partner