Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation
Basic Information
The AXIS consortium is set up to enhance integration of an array of research disciplines connected to climate research
around the common goal to enhance the assessment of potential impacts of climate change on the bio-physical systems and
human society. To this end AXIS plans to launch and implement a single transnational call – funded by 11 European
research funders. Through an open process AXIS has developed three topics for this call. Each topic is intended to enhance
collaboration across typical community borders: between different sectoral views of climate impacts as well as between biophysical
climate impacts and socio-economic effects. For all topics stakeholder engagement is given a high relevance in the
call, thus representing another dimension of interaction across boundaries: interaction of the science community with endusers
(stakeholders) of the created knowledge (transdisciplinarity). The three anticipated research areas (topics) are: (1)
Cross-sectoral and cross-scale climate change impact assessments; (2) Integration of biophysical climate change impacts
estimates with economic models; (3) Developing pathways to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement,
taking into account interactions with SDGs closely linked to SDG 13 (“climate action”).
The AXIS consortium is deeply embedded in JPI Climate and aims to implement elements of its Strategic Research &
Innovation Agenda. JPI Climate and the ERA-NET promoting Climate Services ERA4CS include a number of additional
activities. Therefore within this proposal no addition activities are planned.
Close partnership of the AXIS consortium and JPI Climate with other key international initiatives (Belmont Forum, GFCS,
Future Earth, UN PROVIA, Copernicus) will be sought in order to continue to work against fragmentation of disciplines and
geographies in climate science. In this respect a close connection with the parallel CSA proposal SINCERE is planned.
H2020 Societal Challenges
H2020-SC5 (Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials)
Research fields covered by the network
- Environment
Is connected with
Joint Calls
Joint Call Title | Type | Launch Date | Deadline Pre-Proposal |
Deadline Full-Proposal |
Evaluation End Date |
AXIS Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects 2018 | two-stages | 09/04/2018 |
Submitted: 42 |
Submitted: 40 |
Funded: 10 |