Project: Smart solutions for advancing supply systems in blue bioeconomy value chains_ Policy

Acronym Smartchain_policy (Reference Number: 33)
Project Topic Smartchain_policy extends the results of the Smartchain project by performing additional analyses focused on more in-depth examination of policy and management for advancing circular blue bioeconomy value chains. Smartchain_policy takes a three pronged approach starting with targeted mapping of regional, national and sectoral current and upcoming policies relevant to a circular blue bioeconomy in Iceland and Norway, followed by an examination of organizational management aims through systematic examination of fisheries and aquaculture companies’ sustainability reports, and, finally, engagement with relevant stakeholder groups (policy-makers and value chain actors) for the Smartchain project’s targeted policy and management recommendations.
Network BlueBio
Call 4th BlueBio Joint Call

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University of Iceland Coordinator Iceland