Project: Biodiversity dynamics and tipping points in our future freshwater ecosystems.

LIMNOTIP addresses the ecological and social mechanisms behind tipping points, biodiversity loss and water resource deterioration in different climate change scenarios. These scenarios will serve as a basis for social-ecological modelling and studies of both land use and management of ecosystem services for different regions in Europe to allow for proactive decision-making. This will be reached by analysis of decadal time series of freshwater ecosystems along a latitudinal gradient of Europe and a follow up of these trends in an experimental study. These studies will allow providing regionalspecific recommendations, e.g. assessing whether resilience and rate of biodiversity changes differ between climate zones and between pristine and strongly affected catchments and lakes. The outcome of these empirical studies will, in concert, feed into social-ecological modelling providing scenarios and decision support with a clear and critical empirical validation.

Duration 01/11/2012 - 31/10/2015
Website visit project website
Network BiodivERsA2
Call BiodivERsA Call 2011-2012 on Biodiversity dynamics

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. Germany
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Germany
Lund University Coordinator Sweden
University of Oslo Norway
WasserCluster Lunz Austria