Project: HYPoxia mitigation for Baltic Sea Ecosystem Restoration(HYPER)

Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea has become more frequent and widespread over the last century due to increased nutrient inputs from land and atmosphere. Sediments and the benthic faunal community play an important role for recycling nutrients, and the development of hypoxia may occur as cascading regime shifts leading to further deterioration of ecosystem health. Our present knowledge on processes leading to hypoxia is fragmented and discipline-specific, with strong repercussions for accurately computing nutrient reductions needed to restore the Baltic Sea. HYPER will synthesise this knowledge at an ecosystem scale and establish a holistic scientific understanding of the mechanisms leading to hypoxia and associated effects on benthic fauna. To achieve this HYPER will quantify nutrient feedback rates from the sediments over gradients of salinity, temperature and benthic community structure. HYPER will describe the temporal and spatial variability of these processes within the entire Baltic Sea and use this information for improving existing models describing the hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry. Required nutrient reductions to maintain a healthy ecosystem will be estimated taking future climate changes into account. The project will combine field and experimental work into a modelling framework for nutrient management via the Baltic Nest Institute. The project is carried out at 11 institutes covering 6 countries around the Baltic Sea.

Acronym HYPER (Reference Number: 43)
Duration 01/10/2008 - 30/09/2011
Project Topic environmental research / marine ecosystem
Project Results
(after finalisation)
Website visit project website
Network BONUS+
Call BONUS+ Call in 2007

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University of Aarhus Coordinator Denmark
2 Finnish Environment Institute Partner Finland
3 University of Helsinki Partner Finland
4 Åbo Akademi University Partner Finland
5 Lund University Partner Sweden
6 Zoological Institute of the Russian academy of sciences Observer Russia
7 Utrecht University Partner Netherlands
8 Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Partner Germany
9 University of Gdansk Partner Poland
10 Stockholm University Partner Sweden