Project: Mediating integrated actions for sustainable ecosystem services in a changing climate

MIRACLE will approach ecosystem services by policy instruments that acknowledge interlinkages between eutrophication, flood management, biodiversity, coastal water quality & human health. The objective is to identify, measure and recommend cost-efficient solutions in the Baltic Sea region, through modelling, visualisation, stakeholder dialogues and social learning. MIRACLE will also identify how institutional settings have shaped governance structures and policy instrument choices and provide road maps on opportunities for improved integration of agricultural, environmental and risk management policies adapted to a changing climate. By creating a forum for dialogue between researchers and stakeholders in case study areas in Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Germany, consensus building and priority settings will be used to develop roadmaps and new models of governance from trade-offs between different objectives. Cost-benefit analyses of priority measures will be linked to interactive modelling of sources and the magnitude of eutrophication and floods in a changing climate. Impact scenarios of measures suggested by stakeholders to reduce floods and eutrophication will be modelled, and the impact on e.g. biodiversity, human health and biosecurity assessed. Finally, recommendations for innovative governance structures and instruments will be formulated, including payment for ecosystem services, in order to improve incentives for provision of sustainable ecosystem services.

Acronym MIRACLE (Reference Number: call2014-73)
Duration 01/04/2015 - 31/03/2018
Project Topic Governance structures, policy performance and policy instruments
Website visit project website
Network BONUS
Call Bonus Call 2014: Sustainable Ecosystem Services

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