
People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)

Basic Information


The Built4People vision is to enable the development and generalisation in Europe of a high quality, low carbon, energy and resource efficient built environment. Built4People shall drive the transition towards sustainability, stimulate the production and delivery on the market of holistic innovations and enable to meet the long-term goals set by the European Green Deal, while supporting a long-lasting transformation and user-centric behavioural change in the Construction and Built environment communities.

H2020 Societal Challenges

HORIZON C5: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Research fields covered by the network

  • Environment

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
B4P Fourth Call one-stage 17/09/2024   04/02/2025  
B4P Third Call one-stage 04/05/2023   05/09/2023

Submitted: 71

B4P Second Call one-stage 06/09/2022   24/01/2023

Submitted: 147


Funded: 4

B4P First Call one-stage 02/09/2021   25/01/2022

Submitted: 32


Funded: 3