Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age

Basic Information

We are pleased to inform you that the CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) consortium will soon announce a call for international research projects: Transformations: social and cultural dynamics in the digital age. The programme has been co-created by the HERA and NORFACE networks and will be implemented by 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). The total call budget amounts to EUR 36 M and includes over EUR 26 M of national allocations complemented by up to 10 million in co-funding from the European Commission.

Network CHANSE
Aim of the joint call CHANSE will support new and innovative research into the workings, meaning and consequences of transformations and innovations in the present digital age, viewed through the lens of the social and cultural dynamics. Whilst the call text does not preclude comparison with or investigation into other regions, every proposal must demonstrate a strong European dimension, i.e. investigating the changes taking place/affecting Europe as a whole, or at the level of a European country, city, community, etc.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 09/03/2021
Deadline Pre-Proposal 07/05/2021 Submitted proposal: n/a
Deadline Full-Proposal 07/12/2021 Submitted proposal: n/a
Evaluation End Date 15/06/2022 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 26
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor
Call reasons
  • Sharing competences and associated work
  • Addressing global issues
  • Access to expertise from different countries
  • Addressing specific scientific and technological issues
Research fields
  • Government and social relations
  • Socio-economics sciences and humanities
Type of research
  • Basic research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
Belgium Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Bulgaria National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF)
Croatia Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
Czech Republic Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR)
Denmark Ministry of Higher Education and Science (ufm)
Estonia Estonian Science Foundation (ETAG)
Finland Academy of Finland (AKA)
Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hungary National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
Iceland Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
Latvia State Education Development Agency (VIAA)
Lithuania Research Council of Lithuania (LSC/LMT/RCL)
Luxembourg National Fund for Research (FNR)
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland National Science Centre (NCN)
Romania Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Slovakia Slovak Academy of Science (SAS/SAV)
Slovenia Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MESCS/MIZS)
Slovenia Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS/SRA)
Spain Spanish State Research Agency (AEI)
Sweden Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE)
Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF/SNF)
United Kingdom United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
AUTO-WELF Automating Welfare - Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human F... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 14
DIGISCREENS Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 17
DIGITISLAM Digital Islam across Europe: Understanding Muslims’ Particip... 01/09/2022 01/03/2025 10
DIGeMERGE Digital Emergency Communication (DIGeMERGE) 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 8
DiDe Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife 01/09/2022 01/01/2025 10
DigiFREN Digital Aestheticization of Fragile Environments 01/09/2022 01/09/2025 9
GEiO Gender Equitable Interactions Online (GEiO): Supporting gend... 01/09/2022 01/09/2025 6
GIG-OSH New challenges for occupational safety and health in times o... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 19
HuLog Humans in Digital Logistics 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 21
JUSTHEAT Looking back, moving forwards: a social and cultural histor... 01/09/2022 01/03/2025 15
MEDEP Media and Epidemics: Technologies of Science Communication a... 01/11/2022 01/11/2025 8
PSM-AP Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms 01/11/2022 01/11/2025 6
PlatFAMs Platforming Families – tracing digital transformations in e... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 17
PolarVis Visual Persuasion in a Transforming Europe: the affective an... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 6
QSHIFT The Q-Shift: Decision-Making in the Age of Quantum AI 01/11/2022 01/11/2025 6
REDACT Researching Europe, Digitalisation, and Conspiracy Theories 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 15
REIMAGINE ADM Reimagining public values in algorithmic futures 01/09/2022 01/09/2025 17
REMEDIS REthinking MEdia literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe 01/10/2022 01/10/2024 21
ReCoVirA Religious Communities in the Virtual Age 19
ReDigIm Redistributive Imaginaries: Digitalization, culture, and pro... 01/11/2022 01/11/2025 10
SMARTUP Smart(ening up the modern) home: Redesigning power dynamics ... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 9
SoLiXG The Social Life of X: Digital infrastructures and the reconf... 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 7
TEtrARCHs Transforming data rE-use in ARCHaeology 01/10/2022 01/10/2025 13
TIMED TIMe experience in Europe’s Digital age (TIMED) 03/10/2022 03/10/2025 18
TRAVIS Trust And Visuality: Everyday digital practices 01/11/2022 01/11/2025 9