Project Topic
Many African Research scientists lack essential skills and experience to carry out quality clinical trial research. The aims of this fellowship application are; 1. Learn the process of development and implementation of a new laboratory tests (diagnostics), 2. Acquire practical experience in clinical trial design and implementation in a multi-country, multi-cultural environment, 3 Enhance scientific writing, grant application and mentorship skills, 4 To establish research collaborations with both academia and industry. The specific objectives are; 1 To increase laboratory capacity in clinical trial research through training in advanced laboratory skills, diagnostics and quality systems (GCLP compliance, quality control safety procedures, 2 To acquire practical experience and exposure in the conduct of a clinical trial in a multi-country, multi-cultural environment, 3, To disseminate acquired skills and knowledge through capacity building training initiatives (mentorship/supervision) and scientific workshops/seminar, 4 Establish networking with scientists/ researchers at host and local organisations for engagement in joint research initiatives. The specific laboratory training needs to be acquired include hands-on training on viral inhibition assay, viral neutralization assay and ELISPOT assay, new test validation (diagnostics), quality control, GCLP, and laboratory data management and other laboratory protocols important for product (vaccine/drug) evaluation. Other training needs to be achieved include learning the science of product (vaccine/drug) development process, conducting and evaluation of clinical trials at clinical trial sites, clinical data management. These training needs and knowledge required to enhance clinical trial capacity building in the conduct of a clinical trial will be achieved through interaction with various experts involved in conduct of clinical trials during the 12 months placement period at host organization in Europe and dissemination of the acquired skills and knowledge during the six months re-integration activities (mentorship of junior scientists and scientific workshops/seminars including meetings with local fellowship mentors and senior management official at home organisation upon my return back home. Contact with home organization mentors and networking with scientists/researchers at host organization will be achieved and maintained through email, skype and telephone communications. Key deliverables activities will include training certificates (for lead applicant while abroad), training materials for the trainee participants, training certificates and attendance list of participants who participated and completed the reintegration activities. Progress reports, SOP developed, training records including successful grant applications, publications and final training report will also be made available as deliverables. A minimum of 40 laboratory scientists and technologists will be trained in acquired clinical trials skills and knowledge.