Project Topic
The consortium will utilize our ethos and track record of building equitable Africa-Europe R&D partnerships, to build effective outbreak response capacities, aligned closely to research and training, across all geographical regions in sub-Saharan Africa.We plan to take forward the unique opportunities presented by this EDCTP grant call, through our ‘ONE HEALTH’ multidisciplinary consortium of partners derived from the human and animal health sectors in Africa and Europe. Our overall aim is to strengthen, regional and pan-African capacities and systems for enabling rapid and effective response to infectious diseases with epidemic potential, arising from within Africa or those imported from overseas.We aim to develop and enhance laboratory, public health and clinical trials capacities for the rapid investigation of outbreaks at source. Laboratories will be developed for accurate and rapid detection all pathogens. Regional capacities will also be built to perform clinical trials (evaluating rapid diagnostics, biomarkers, treatments, vaccines and operational research studies) inter-epidemic and during an outbreak. Initially, a list of studies on field evaluation of new diagnostic tests and POCT in the framework of European projects have been selected. Data will be used for optimal clinical management of patients, infection control and public health response. We will also strengthen regional capacity for timely collection, analysis and communication of information and provide field epidemiology training, develop ‘mud shoe’ epidemiologists and mobile laboratory services.We will build on our existing EDCTP Central, West, East and Southern African Networks of Excellence portfolio, and setup at each Africa region, a Robust ‘Ready to go(within 48-72 hours’ Rapid response outbreak teams.Training courses will include rapid diagnostics, ethics of research in emergency situations, field epidemiology. International health regulations assessment and compliance, research methods, infection prevention and control, and emergency preparedness and outbreak response, staying safe during outbreak investigation, ethics and probity, communication skills, teamwork, use of field communication technology, emergency power, and sanitation in the field. Our activities will be linked to other networks on emerging infections and will contribute to global preparedness and response activities, maximizing complementarity with an enhancing effect. We will develop a clear governance structure, an independent data safety monitoring committee, and an oversight expert advisory board of global experts. Latest data management platforms and an effective communication strategy will be put in place. Strong collaboration with regional and international initiatives will be established. This will enhance rapid integration and policy implementation of outputs.