Basic Information

Network EMPIR
Website https://msu.euramet.org/calls.html
Aim of the joint call n/a
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 02/02/2015
Deadline Pre-Proposal 17/03/2015 Submitted proposal: 143
Deadline Full-Proposal 05/10/2015 Submitted proposal: 60
Evaluation End Date n/a Successful proposal: 33 Proposals funded: 33
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Hong Kong (country) (HK)
Austria Austria (country) (AT)
Belgium Belgium (country) (BE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (country) (BA)
Brazil Brazil (country) (BR)
Bulgaria Bulgaria (country) (BG)
China China (country) (CN)
Croatia CROATIA (country) (HR)
Czech Republic Czech Republic (country) (CZ)
Denmark Denmark (country) (DK)
Estonia Estonia (country) (EE)
European Union European Commission (EC)
Finland Finland (country) (FI)
France France (country) (FR)
Germany Germany (country) (DE)
Greece Greece (country) (GR)
Hungary Hungary (country) (HU)
Ireland Ireland (country) (IE)
Italy Italy (country) (IT)
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of (country) (KR)
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein (country) (LI)
Mexico Mexico (country) (MX)
Netherlands Netherlands (country) (NL)
Norway Norway (country) (NO)
Poland Poland (country) (PL)
Portugal Portugal (country) (PT)
Romania Romania (country) (RO)
Russia Russia (country) (RU)
Serbia Serbia (country) (RS)
Slovakia Slovakia (country) (SK)
Slovenia Slovenia (country) (SI)
Spain SPAIN (country) (ES)
Sweden Sweden (country) (SE)
Switzerland Switzerland (country) (CH)
Türkiye TURKEY (country) (TR)
United Kingdom United Kingdom (country) (GB)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
15HLT01 MetVBadBugs Quantitative measurement and imaging of drug-uptake by bacte... 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 13
15HLT02 ReMiND Role of metals and metal containing biomolecules in neurodeg... 01/07/2016 01/07/2019 8
15HLT03 Ears II Metrology for modern hearing assessment and protecting publi... 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 12
15HLT04 NeuroMet Innovative measurements for improved diagnosis and managemen... 01/07/2016 01/07/2019 9
15HLT05 PerfusImaging Metrology for multi-modality imaging of impaired tissue perf... 01/07/2016 01/07/2019 11
15HLT06 MRTDosimetry Metrology for clinical implementation of dosimetry in molecu... 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 18
15HLT07 AntiMicroResist Novel materials and methods for the detection, traceable mon... 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 11
15HLT08 MRgRT Metrology for MR guided radiotherapy 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 9
15HLT09 MetAMMI Metrology for additively manufactured medical implants 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 19
15NRM01 Sulf-Norm Metrology for sampling and conditioning SO2 emissions from s... 01/07/2016 01/07/2019 9
15NRM02 UHV Techniques for ultra-high voltage and very fast transients 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 7
15NRM03 Hydrogen Metrology for sustainable hydrogen energy applications 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 10
15NRM04 ROCOF Standard tests and requirements for rate-of-change of freque... 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 4
15RPT01 RFMicrowave Development of RF and microwave metrology capability 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 10
15RPT02 UNAC-LOW Underwater acoustic calibration standards for frequencies be... 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 6
15RPT03 HUMEA Expansion of European research capabilities in humidity meas... 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 10
15RPT04 TracePQM Traceability routes for electrical power quality measurements 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 13
15SIB01 FreeFORM Reference algorithms and metrology on aspherical and freefor... 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 19
15SIB02 InK 2 Implementing the new kelvin 2 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 16
15SIB03 OC18 Optical clocks with 1E-18 uncertainty 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 12
15SIB04 QuADC Waveform metrology based on spectrally pure Josephson voltages 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 16
15SIB05 OFTEN Optical frequency transfer - a European network 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 26
15SIB06 NanoMag Nano-scale traceable magnetic field measurements 01/09/2016 01/09/2019 12
15SIB07 PhotoLED Future photometry based on solid-state lighting products 01/09/2016 01/09/2019 17
15SIB08 e-SI-Amp Quantum realisation of the SI ampere 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 10
15SIB09 3DNano Traceable three-dimensional nanometrology 01/10/2016 01/10/2019 12
15SIB10 MetroBeta Radionuclide beta spectra metrology 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 7
15SIP01 Zero Gas Standard to certify the purity of zero gas in ambient air me... 01/06/2016 01/06/2018 2
15SIP02 ISOChemDepth An International Standard for Reliable Chemical Depth Profil... 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 1
15SIP03 InfusionUptake Standards and e-learning course to maximise the uptake of in... 01/05/2016 01/05/2019 5
15SIP04 TIMEFUNC Time Synchronisation IMpact Enabling FUture Network Communic... 01/06/2016 01/06/2018 1
15SIP05 TBCUnc Advanced uncertainty evaluation: example and software for in... 01/06/2016 01/06/2018 2
15SIP06 ValTraC Validation of software development and analysis tools using ... 01/07/2016 30/12/2017 3