Project: Advanced uncertainty evaluation: example and software for industrial uptake

Uncertainty evaluation software will accelerate development of thermal barrier coatings which provide effective protection Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are used in the aerospace, automotive and energy industries to protect expensive components operating in high temperatures. Thermal conductivity is a key property affecting TBC performance and an accurately measured value is crucial when determining whether a coating design provides adequate protection for a product. However, TBCs have a layered structure which makes their thermal conductivity challenging to measure and the associated measurement uncertainties are currently estimated using very approximate, and hence conservative, methods. This project aims to maximise uptake of the new, more accurate uncertainty evaluation methods developed in EMRP project NEW04 Uncertainty, by providing software and a worked example of the new method, enabling industrial users to apply the method to their own problems without needing expert mathematical knowledge. Primary supporter Alstom Power, which designs and develops TBCs, will ensure that the software meets industry needs and be the first to use it to reduce material and testing costs and shorten the time to market for its new products.

Acronym 15SIP05 TBCUnc (Reference Number: 15SIP05)
Duration 01/06/2016 - 01/06/2018
Project Topic Metrology
Project Results
(after finalisation)
See Website
Website visit project website
Network EMPIR
Call EMPIR CALL 2015

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 NPL Management Limited Coordinator United Kingdom
2 Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais Partner France