Project: Aerosol metrology for atmospheric science and air quality
Acronym | 16ENV07 AEROMET (Reference Number: 16ENV07) |
Duration | 01/06/2017 - 31/05/2020 |
Project Topic | Accurate measurements of airborne particles are vital for enforcing EU air quality regulations aimed at protecting human health and understanding and limiting the effects of climate change. Current methods for the measurement of mass of PM10 and PM2.5 (airborne particles less than 10 and 2.5 microns in diameter, respectively) specified by the Air Quality Directive need improving to ensure results given by instruments based on different working principles (such as gravimetric and optical measurement) can be compared. In addition, knowledge of the size and number concentration of unregulated nanoscale ultra-fine particles (UFP) is needed as a prerequisite to any future regulatory limits. This project will use results from EMRP project ENV02 PartEmission to support CEN standardization on EU guidelines for PM and UFP measurement by improving the uncertainty of particle mass, size and number concentration measurements. It will also support the characterization of regulated components in airborne particles as needed by Europe’s air quality networks to better understand health risks, and local and global trends. |
Website | visit project website |
Network | EMPIR |
Call | EMPIR Call 2016 |