Project: Protocols for clinical impact in molecular radiotherapy

Acronym 19SIP01 PINICAL-MRT (Reference Number: 19SIP01)
Duration 01/09/2020 - 01/09/2022
Project Topic Article 56 of EC Directive 2013/59/EURATOM, detailing the requirements for individual dose planning for radiotherapy patients, is being introduced across EU states. This applies to Molecular Radiotherapy (MRT), which involves the use of radiopharmaceuticals in cancer treatment, but currently no standardised methods exist to support clinical compliance. A traceable MRT calibration infrastructure for patient-tailored doses was developed in the EMRP project MetroMRT and EMPIR project MRTDosimetry however before this can be transferred to the clinic it requires extending and staff trained in its use. The project will develop guidance on how to use the protocols and methods developed in MRTDosimetry and enable traceable practices to be established within clinical centres. This will include how to calibrate, commission and perform quality control for quantitative imaging instruments used for dosimetry. Training materials will also be developed to support measurement practices. At the end of the project the establishment of standard practices for MRT will make it easier for relevant government agencies to ensure compliance with regulations as well as deliver more accurate, better targeted treatments for patients.
Website visit project website
Network EMPIR
Call EMPIR Call 2019

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