Project: Novel electronic devices based on control of strain at the nanoscale

Faster, smaller and more energy efficient computing, based on miniature electronic devices, will benefit almost every industrial sector. Recently, materials such as piezoelectrics have been used to develop miniature electronics by allowing the control of properties at the nanoscale via the application of mechanical strain. Piezoelectric materials are uniquely capable of generating precisely defined strains down to very small length scales and are the technology driver for new types of electronic devices. Currently, there is no measurement framework or facility for traceable measurement of the electromechanical coupling (shown as strain through application of voltage) in piezoelectric materials down to a size of 1 nm. This project will develop traceable measurements of strain at lengths down to 1 nm and at high electric fields. These measurements need to be non-destructive and should be able to operate on the commercial scale. The results will help develop computing products based on the principles of functional materials such as piezoelectrics.

Acronym IND54 Nanostrain (Reference Number: IND54)
Duration 01/07/2013 - 30/06/2016
Project Topic Metrology
Project Results
(after finalisation)
See Website
Website visit project website
Network EMRP
Call EMRP Call 2012 - Industry, SI Broader Scope and Open Excellence

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