First Joint Call on Integrated Regional Energy Systems

Basic Information

Develop Integrated Local and Regional Energy Systems. Such Systems make it possible to efficiently provide, host and utilise high shares of renewables, up to and beyond 100% in the local or regional supply by 2030. They enable regions and local communities to realise their high sustainable energy ambitions. Such systems shall provide tailor-made solutions that meet the local and regional requirements and demand. At the same time, they shall link to a secure and resilient European energy system, enabling the participation in inter-regional exchange of energy as well as in sharing responsibility to maintain the overall system, considering a sustainable use of local and global resources

Network EN SGplusRegSys
Aim of the joint call The ERA-Net SES 2018 joint call focuses on the development of Integrated Local and Regional Energy Systems in accordance with the SET - Plan Action 4 Implementation Plan. It originates from the corresponding ERA-Net SES focus initiative that aims at facilitating cross sectoral, holistic approaches for enabling regions and local communities to move towards a decarbonized energy system by 2030.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 23/05/2018
Deadline Pre-Proposal 11/09/2018 Submitted proposal: 73
Deadline Full-Proposal 02/11/2018 Submitted proposal: 57
Evaluation End Date 03/03/2019 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 24
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Energy
Type of research n/a
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Large Corporations
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN)
Austria Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Belgium Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
Belgium Public Service of Wallonia (SPW)
Croatia Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU)
Denmark Innovation Fund Denmark (Innofond)
France Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME)
France Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea (MEEM)
Germany Project Management Juelich / Research Centre Juelich (PTJ/FZJ)
Hungary National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
Ireland Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
Israel Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources (MoE-IL)
Italy Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
Netherlands Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)
Romania Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Spain Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
Sweden Swedish Energy Agency (SWEA)
Switzerland Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)
Switzerland Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse)
Türkiye The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
United Kingdom Scottish Enterprise (SEN)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
AGRO-SOFC Sector coupling with SOFC technology in the agro-industry 01/04/2019 31/03/2022 5
ANM4L Active Network Management for All 01/11/2019 31/10/2022 8
BEYOND BEYOND: Blockchain based ElectricitY trading for the integra... 01/04/2019 31/03/2022 19
CLUE Concepts, Planning, Demonstration and Replication of Local U... 01/07/2019 30/06/2022 24
DISTRHEAT Digital Intelligent and Scalable conTrol for Renewables in H... 01/04/2019 31/03/2022 5
DiGriFlex Real-Time Distribution Grid Control and Flexibility Provisio... 01/07/2019 30/06/2022 6
EPC4SES EPC based Digital Building Twins for Smart Energy Systems 31/05/2019 11/06/2021 9
EV-CHIP Electric Vehicles Charging Platform for Community Demand Res... 01/10/2019 30/09/2022 3
EVA Optimization of regional infrastructures for the transition ... 02/09/2019 30/04/2022 6
FLexSUS Flexibility for Smart Urban Energy Systems 01/12/2019 30/11/2022 10
Flexi-Sync Flexi-Sync: Flexible Energy System Integration using Concept... 01/09/2019 31/08/2022 24
HEATflex HEATflex 01/12/2019 30/11/2022 7
HONOR Holistic flexibility market integration of cross sectoral en... 03/06/2019 31/05/2022 12
KE:TTLE Knoydart Electrolyte: Transporting Tanks of Local Electricity 11/03/2019 10/03/2021 11
MultiportGrid Cross-Sectoral Energy Control through Interconnected Microgr... 01/05/2019 30/04/2022 8
PIGergy PIGergy: A novel means of unleashing the energy potential of... 01/10/2019 30/09/2022 4
R2EC Regional Renewable Energy Cells 02/09/2019 31/08/2022 12
REDAP Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal (REDAP) 01/11/2019 31/10/2022 7
REgions Ancillary services of regions with high shares of renewable ... 01/04/2019 31/03/2021 14
SIES2022 Smart Integrated Energy Systems 2022:Enhanced Virtual Power ... 01/12/2019 30/11/2022 11
SONDER SONDER - Service Optimization of Novel Distributed Energy Re... 01/10/2019 30/09/2022 11
SuperP2G Synergies Utilising renewable Power REgionally by means of P... 01/09/2019 31/08/2022 23
TOP-UP TOP-UP: TOP-down energy projects as catalysators for bottom-... 01/04/2019 31/03/2021 9
ZEHTC Zero emission hydrogen turbine center 01/12/2019 30/11/2022 5