Eranet Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative

Basic Information


Cities around the globe are struggling to meet the needs of their citizens with respect to food, energy and water. These three
sectors are inextricably linked and actions in one sector more often have impacts in one or both of the others; these
interacting sectors can therefore be seen as a Food-Energy-Water Nexus (FEW Nexus) of systems.
The ERANET Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (EN-SUGI) will bring together the fragmented research and
innovation expertise across Europe and beyond to find innovative new solutions to this FEW Nexus challenge. Furthermore,
by linking the activity of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe and the Belmont Forum (BF), EN-SUGI
develops more resilient, applied urban solutions that bring research and innovation together from across the globe, and
which will benefit a much wider range of global markets.
EN-SUGI is a project that foresees the financial participation of 17 European Funding Agencies and 7 from outside EU (US,
Argentina, Brasil, Japan, Chinese Tapei, Quatar).
EN-SUGI Main objectives and impacts are:
To support development of practical innovations and new collaborative research that will allow urban areas to understand
and address the challenges of the Food-Energy-Water systems. (Impact = 12-14 projects funded, and 15 cities/local
authorities engaged)
To provide a framework for aligning R&I agendas of JPI Urban Europe and the BF,. The alignment will help foster
transdisciplinary collaboration and co-creation in research and innovation, and facilitate the use of global expertise and
knowledge (Impact = 24 funding organisations involved)
EN-SUGI will foster development of international relationships between the different parts of the research and innovation
community – to enable them to contribute to addressing those challenges and goals, while aligning them to wider, strategic
initiatives, including the SRIA agenda, Future Earth and UN –Habitat.

H2020 Societal Challenges

H2020-SC5 (Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials)

Research fields covered by the network

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Transport
  • Other

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
SUGI/FOOD-WATER-ENERGY NEXUS two-stages 09/12/2016 15/03/2017

Submitted: 88


Submitted: 39


Funded: 15