Project: Intelligent Urban Metabolic Systems for Green Cities of Tomorrow: an FWE Nexus-based Approach

Acronym METABOLIC (Reference Number: 11299156)
Duration 01/02/2018 - 31/01/2021
Project Topic Effective management of urban metabolisms is the key to the health of our urban centers of tomorrow. The project will identify critical factors and define critical pathways of FWE delivery to urban centers using advanced tools such as artificial intelligence, data mining, system dynamics modeling, agro-logistics and scenario analysis to understand the intertwined nature of FWE in terms of lifecycles, including production, processing, delivery, consumption, and disposal. The underlying rationale is that FWE Nexus forms the basis of the urban metabolic system that sustains the development of urban centers. The primary outcome will be the development of the intelligent urban metabolic systems appropriate for cities and the unique challenges for green urban centers of tomorrow.
Network EN-SUGI

Project partner