Project: Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data

Acronym Dynamic Mobility Nudge (DyMoN) (Reference Number: 99950017)
Duration 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2024
Project Topic DyMoN will provide a solid conceptual and empirical understanding of the potential of combining real-time user-generated and publicly available environmental and transport data with nudging methods for promoting sustainable urban mobility behaviours. The project will investigate how to design effective nudging strategies, while ensuring the privacy of citizens and inclusivity of smart cities. DyMoN focuses on active mobility in Salzburg (Austria) and Uppsala (Sweden), considering also areas of larger cities such as Frankfurt (Germany). The DyMoN nudging framework will be co-created in a multi-actor participatory approach, tested and evaluated to advance scientific knowledge and provide guidance for city stakeholders. The envisaged main project results are: the intervention framework based on data-driven, situation-aware methods (nudge repository and handbook); proof of concept demonstration and, based on it, policy recommendations/briefing on appropriate digital nudging for sustainable urban mobility; knowledge transfer to researchers and practitioners in this emerging discipline (scientific publications, research summer school, virtual workshops). The project consortium encompasses the required in-depth expertise in behavioural research, co-creation, urban mobility planning, geo-informatics, data-driven models and simulation. The overall aim of the partnership and confirmed stakeholder support is paving the way towards the next generation of urban sustainable mobility policies, strategies and data-driven solutions.
Network EN-UAC
Call 1st EN-AUC Joint Cofund Call

Project partner