Project: Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction

Acronym MyFairShare (Reference Number: 99950062)
Duration 01/03/2021 - 29/02/2024
Project Topic Reducing carbon emissions is one of the most important goals to prevent the world from disastrous future consequences of climate change. The transport sector requires specific actions, as it proves most difficult to decarbonise and transport emissions are again increasing. However, efforts to foster mobility behaviour change largely fail, as future national reduction goals are too unspecific for citizens to induce a sense of personal responsibility and engagement. MyFairShare builds on studies exploring the applicability of sufficiency principles to change mobility habits, e.g. through individual mobility budgets. Experiences show that transport emissions might be effectively reduced by limiting allowances for carbon-intensive transport modes, but would only be acceptable if the individual share of allowances is perceived as fair. MyFairShare combines and expands relevant knowledge, data and models to construct a scheme for fair distribution of individual mobility budgets, and identifies effective policy strategies. The potential will be tested in six Living Labs in different context situations, defined by scale (community – municipal – (trans-)national) and scope (citizen level– transport management level – strategic development level). The resulting policy toolkits and guidelines support the introduction of socially acceptable mobility budgets in different countries on different governance levels, improving urban accessibility and transport equity.
Network EN-UAC
Call 1st EN-AUC Joint Cofund Call

Project partner