Project: Open Geographic Information System for Energy Transition

Acronym OpenGIS4ET (Reference Number: 111786)
Duration 01/02/2022 - 31/01/2025
Project Topic The OpenGIS4ET project aims to extend the H2020 Hotmaps platform, an open-source heating and cooling mapping and planning toolkit and to provide default data for EU28 at national and local levels. These tools and data allow public authorities and energy planners to identify, analyse, model and map resources and solutions to meet energy needs in their area of responsibility in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This project comes as an extension to add open APIs to the H2020 Hotmaps platform, which started to develop a base toolbox and database. The platform reached TRL-7 and we would like to add new plug-ins called calculation modules (CM). It helps authorities to develop local, regional, and national heating, cooling, mobility, and sector coupling flexibility strategies, that are in line with RES and CO2 emission targets at national and European level. New developed plug-ins and functionalities, will be demonstrated by need-owners to reach TRL-8.
Network EnerDigit
Call 1st Joint Call 2020 (MICall20) on digital transformation for green energy transition

Project partner