Project: Reliability of Long Term Renewable Energy Production based on PV Technologies

Acronym ReliaREN-Pro (Reference Number: 108866)
Duration 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
Project Topic ReliaREN-Pro aims to ensure the security of supply in the electric energy system. This is achieved by increasing the trust in renewable electricity supply by increasing the reliability of photovoltaic (PV) power plants as well as plant ICT infrastructure.  Today, photovoltaic power plants and their stakeholders (plant & grid operators, O&M service providers, asset managers, investors, energy suppliers) lack reliable energy provision data due to missing knowledge of plant availability, plant status and missing or outdated network and ICT infrastructure. ReliaREN-Pro will provide needed solutions to secure reliable energy production. Cutting-edge digital tools for performance degradation and failure models (e.g. processing of EL and thermography images using machine learning algorithms), risk assessment and data ICT infrastructure will be investigated, and results and guidelines will be made available to the market, fostering European leadership in the renewable energy sector.
Network EnerDigit
Call 1st Joint Call 2020 (MICall20) on digital transformation for green energy transition

Project partner