Project: Smart Digital Solution for Local Green Energy Management

Acronym SmartGEM (Reference Number: 109166)
Duration 01/01/2022 - 30/12/2024
Project Topic Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) is a new concept considered a key approach aiming to support Net Zero gas emissions through decentralization and digitalization to support correlated production, storage, trading at a local scale to reduction of CO2 emissions from buildings-related activities like environmental control, water heating, lighting or use of IT infrastructure. Having as a starting point the microgrid pilot, the specific objectives of the project are: Leveraging digitalization of the energy consumer through the design of low energy hardware devices for data acquisition and control. Building production, consumption, and room temperature propagation models using Artificial Intelligence to enable an energyaware interaction of SLES components. Building an energy management system to support the integration and correlation between the different energy sources according to outputs of the implemented modules, consumption requirements and tackling possible network failures.
Network EnerDigit
Call 1st Joint Call 2020 (MICall20) on digital transformation for green energy transition

Project partner