Project: Smart Transformation for Resilience And community services Through digitAl grid layers

Acronym STRATA (Reference Number: 110646)
Duration 01/03/2022 - 28/02/2025
Project Topic STRATA will develop a new digital-based service concept to be introduced on the MV/LV distribution transformer level. The key idea is to replace traditional distribution transformers with a Smart Digital Node that is able to act as a service center for local energy communities and at the same time provide new distribution grid services and resilience together with support for flexibility markets. The concept is powered by latest innovations in power electronics and digital platforms for coordination and communication. The customer-level engagement is achieved through local markets and communications, with user interfaces building upon it. Intelligence and analytics are embedded within the Smart Digital Node in order to enable these new services. The system is designed for hybrid grid technologies, thus also enabling DC grids that facilitate greater community benefit through increased flexibility potential, hosting capacity for low carbon technologies and new business model support.
Network EnerDigit
Call 1st Joint Call 2020 (MICall20) on digital transformation for green energy transition

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Coordinator Finland
2 MSc Electronics Partner Finland
3 Caruna Observer Finland
4 Fraunhofer-Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology Partner Germany
5 Smartrplace Partner Germany
6 Städtische Werke Netz + Service Partner Germany
7 EEBus Initiative Observer Germany
8 University of Strathclyde Partner scotland
9 AMPX Limited Partner scotland
10 SP Power Systems Observer scotland