Project: Advanced decision support for Smart Governance

The SmartGov project seeks to strengthen contemporary urban governance by offering decision support and two-way communication between citizens, governments and other stakeholders in (Smart) Cities. There is a huge, but underdeveloped potential of Linked Open Data and Social Media as crowdsourcing tools that complement regular data collection for decision-making. SmartGov will innovatively integrate these data sources with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs), to enable quantitative modelling of complex problems and simulation of dynamic behavior of factors underlying these problems. Hence, decision-makers and citizens can effectively utilize (currently inaccessible) Open Data, Social Media feeds and expert-based FCMs to simulate impacts of different scenarios and to improve two-way communication between governments and citizens. Building on systematic evidence reviews, the goals of SmartGov are: 1) to develop a set of user-friendly tools in accordance with legal frameworks, including a FCM-based data-integration tool, a Social Media engine and advanced visualization tools; 2) to test and implement the tools in cities in Cyprus (Limassol) and Spain (Quart de Poblet), and cities supporting SmartGov (Vienna and Amsterdam), and 3) to disseminate the outcomes throughout Europe. SmartGov dissemination will effectively build on networks of international organizations, e.g. EUROCITIES and Major Cities of Europe.

Acronym SmartGov (Reference Number: 5574591)
Duration 01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Project Topic Topic 3. Smart data, big data
Network ENSCC
Call ERA-NET Cofund Smart Cities and Communities (ENSCC) - Joint Call for Proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
5574591 Donau-Universität Krems - Zentrum für E-Governance Coordinator Austria
5578891 Delft University of Technology - OTB - Research for the Built Environment Partner Netherlands
5580242 ACTIVE Solution Ingenieurbüro AG Partner Austria
5605542 Interfusion Services Ltd Partner Cyprus
5605981 CY University of Technology - Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics Partner Cyprus
5607081 Kenus Informática Partner Spain
5607813 Limassol Municipality Partner Cyprus
5640937 Ayuntamiento de Quart de Poblet Partner Spain