Project: Innovative Policies for Sustainable Urban Transportation
Contemporary cities face huge challenges with the functioning of their transportation systems, where those challenges involving externalities (congestion, accidents, noise, emissions of local pollutants and greenhouse gasses, depletion of non-renewable resources) are most relevant to this call. The project will design, follow, analyse and evaluate real-world implementations of a range of innovative tools, policy measures and strategies that aim at achieving a sustainable, yet efficient urban transport system. The project focuses on both “technology” in the sense that innovative ICT-based policies are central; and on “behaviour” as we will study how these policies affect travellers’ choices in their daily mobility behaviour.
The project is multimodal, considering road transport, cycling and walking, and public transport; and looks at a broad range of tools, measures and strategies that capitalize progress in ICT and big data sources such as electronic fare cards, real-time public transport information, automatic vehicle location systems, automatic passenger count systems, GPS tracking of vehicles, and data from electronic road pricing systems and innovative rewarding experiments. The project brings together research groups, local authorities and case studies from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Vienna.
Project partner