Project: Capacities for Resilient and Inclusive Urban Public Transport Infrastructure and Built Environment

Acronym CARIN-PT (Reference Number: F-ENUTC-2021-0136)
Project Topic Public transport (PT) is an essential urban infrastructure. Attempts to accelerate PT uptake are based on accruing environmental benefits and enhancing economic viability. It remains unclear how socially just these attempts and their outcomes are in terms of who benefits (distribution), whose needs are considered (recognition), who decides and how (participation). The close relationship between the built environment and uptake of PT is poorly understood. The proposed research will advance capacity building and inclusive transitions on the urban scale through a dual perspective on PT and built environment. It will examine inequalities in terms of needs, capabilities, decision-making and accessibility. It will also analyse how and to what extent PT and built environment policies take distribution, participation and recognition dimensions into account. It will co-produce understandings on how urban planning goals regarding resilience can be strengthened through inclusive processes. In close collaboration with policy-makers and service providers, the project will consider micromobility, fare structures, flexible on-demand PT and transit-oriented development (TOD) in the urban regions of Tallinn (Estonia), the Flemish cities (Belgium), Stockholm (Sweden) and Oslo (Norway). The project aims to bring about a shift in how mobility policies and services are developed, implemented and delivered so that urban built environments and PT become integrated and inclusive.
Network ENUTC
Call 1st ENUTC Call 2021

Project partner