Project: Investigating DETerminants of atrial Electrical ConducTion underlying ARRHYTHMIAS

Duration 01/05/2019 - 30/04/2021
Project Topic Arrhythmias are one of the major healthcare challenges since they are affecting millions of Europeans and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Current treatment options have to be improved by innovative therapies that are ideally targeting causal proarrhythmic mechanisms. DETECT ARRHYTHMIAS is based on the hypothesis that cardiomyocytes are not the exclusive determinants of electrical conduction properties. The consortium will therefore investigate the cardiac “interactome” and its effects on physiologic impulse generation and propagation through the heart as well as on pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to arrhythmias. To this purpose we will study (epi)genetic, metabolic, electrophysiologic and immunologic factors on the level of individual myocardial cells, neighboring cells within the myocardium, and cells originating from outside of the myocardium.
Network ERA-CVD
Call Joint Transnational Call for Proposal 2018 (JTC 2018)

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Klinikum der Universität München Coordinator Germany
2 IRCCS Cardiologico Monzino Partner Italy
3 Yeditepe University Partner Türkiye
4 University of Tartu Partner Estonia