Project: Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems

Acronym CCCfarming (Reference Number: 39274)
Duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Project Topic Aim is to develop climate smart cattle farming systems reducing GHG and ammonia emissions while maintaining the social-economic outlook of the farm business. Key words are efficiency of production and care for climate. Central in the approach are innovative housing and manure handling systems in reducing emissions, like use of composted bedding material, separation of faeces and urine, artificial floor constructions, manure cleaning robots, cow toilet, virtual fencing and ICT data collection techniques, and precision crop fertilization. Promising feeding, breeding and grassland mitigation practices are examined to contribute to the integrated systems approach. Our study will deliver an assessment of the environmental performance of a network of study field farms in eight EU-countries on basis of NPC balance tools and simple emission measurement methods. Researcher–farmer interaction is meant to improve performance. Expertise groups in each country evaluate the outcomes.
Network ERA-GAS
Call 2018 Joint Call

Project partner