Project: Seaweeds and seaweed-ingredients to reduce enteric methane emissions from pasture-based sheep, cattle and dairy cows

Acronym SEASOLUTIONS (Reference Number: 39275)
Duration 01/02/2020 - 31/01/2023
Project Topic The drive to become more efficient is viable and well in the food industry and this trend has been altered in recent years by the challenge of making our advancements more environmentally friendly. Meat and dairy production have become targets of much scrutiny and blame in the charge against global warming. By 2050, the EU aims to cut its emissions by 80-95%. Livestock are responsible for 44 % of all methane emissions which has 36 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Recent research in Australia demonstrated that feeding the seaweed Asparagopsis to sheep at 2% the dry weight of feed produced 50-70% less methane over a 72-day period continuously. SEASOLUTIONS will investigate the potential of seaweed to mitigate enteric methane emissions from sheep, beef and dairy cattle and will gain a fundamental understanding of mechanism of action, effects on animal health and food, methane emission and economic viability.
Network ERA-GAS
Call 2018 Joint Call

Project partner