Project: Engineered compartments for monoterpenoid production using synthetic biology
TERPENOSOME will use synthetic biology to engineer novel organelles for the overproduction of monoterpenoids in microbial hosts. Compartmentalization will reduce side products and eliminate the toxicity problems that currently limit productivity. TERPENOSOME will: Generate a portfolio of generic methods for the compartmentalization of biosynthetic pathways for bioactive molecules; Improve the biosynthetic enzyme systems for more efficient bioprocessing; Overproduce industrially relevant terpenoids, for commercialization by one of the partners. The generic compartmentalization methodology will be exploited by our industrial partner, Life Technologies, in synthetic biology projects on a wide range of biotechnologically relevant high-value compounds. The second industry partner, ACS International, will exploit the improved production strains for the widely used precursor material limonene, as well as the two high-value compounds that are the major target molecules of TERPENOSOME
Website | visit project website |
Network | ERA-IB-2 |
Call | 4th ERA-IB Joint Call |