Project: Advanced Magnetic full TEnsor Gradiometer instrument
Acronym | AMTEG (Reference Number: ERA-MIN-2017_72) |
Duration | 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021 |
Project Topic | The exploration of deep-seated deposits as well as the investigation and re-evaluation of former mine sites may be vital for securing the supply of European industry with important minerals. Unfavourable magnetic properties such as weak magnetization or weak signals in huge background in iron ore mining areas represent a major problem to existing airborne magnetic exploration systems. To meet future needs of exploration technologies, we aim to develop a new airborne magnetic exploration tool using a hybrid SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) based full tensor magnetic gradiometer and vector magnetometer as well as an ancillary optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) for absolute measurements which goes beyond current technology limits in sensitivity and dynamic range e.g. 24bit of signal digitizers. All partners contribute with their complementary expertise to develop the new airborne instrument: Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technologies will develop new SQUIDs and OPMs. Supracon’s focus is on the new sensor read-out and data acquisition electronics. IGI Systems will take care of a high precision attitude ssystem (GPS and advanced inertial unit) and navigation software. The demonstrator performance evaluation will take place in representative European mining areas like the Iberian pyrite belt (Spain) and the Baltic shield (Sweden) executed by Geognosia, Nordic Iron Ore, and Nordika Geophysics respectively. Advanced processing, inversion, and interpretation algorithms for the high resolution data will be developed. This project unites partners with magnetic instrumentation background, geophysical service providers, and a mining company. Appropriate stakeholder engagement practices will be encouraged during field operations to manage potential barriers for exploration. Exploration will benefit from the new airborne instrumentation by enabling a new level of magnetic field resolution translating into higher quality of inversion and interpretation results. |
Network | ERA-MIN 2 |
Call | ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 |