Project: Tracing Gold-Copper-Zinc with advanced microanalysis

Acronym Gold_Insight (Reference Number: ERA-MIN-2017_179)
Duration 01/05/2018 - 30/09/2020
Project Topic The proposed research will contribute to the Challenge of securing Primary Resources by developing innovative techniques for exploration. The innovative new techniques will arise from a novel combination of state-of-the-art micro-chemical analysis: trace element mapping and in situ Pb and S isotope analysis as well as trace-element informed geochronology. The technology readiness level of these techniques will be elevated by increasing the speed and throughput of analysis. The tools will be trained on known orogenic gold (Au) exploration targets for which full 3D geological and structural models will be developed and integrated with absolute geochronology. The targets are in active emerging orogenic gold districts in Sweden and Ireland where low environmental-impact extraction is feasible. We have assembled a three-partner consortium from two EU countries with some of the most exciting developments in exploration for Au and with outstanding field resources, analytical facilities, and world-leading expertise. The outputs of the proposed project will contribute to the implementation of the ERA-MIN2 work programme. It will significantly de-risk exploration in these and other minerals districts and develop an innovation platform for higher participation of EU institutions in the global exploration market. Orogenic gold deposits also often host other precious or base metals, including significant quantities of tellurium and its discovery will help secure the supply of this energy-critical-element (ECE).
Website visit project website
Network ERA-MIN 2
Call ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017

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