ERA.Net RUS plus

Further linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS/ AC S&T programmes towards and with Russia

Basic Information


The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Technologies, Health, Environment/ Climate Change, Social Sciences/Humanities and Innovation. The national financial contributions of the partners to the Single Joint Call will sum up to approximately EUR 12.2 millions. The action will engage programme owners from various EU-Member States (MS), countries associated (AC) to the EU RTD Framework Programme and Russia. ERA.Net RUS Plus is a follow-up to the current ERA.Net RUS action that was set-up from 2009 to 2013 to link Russia to the European Research Area by a coordination of S&T programmes in EU MS/AC and Russia. ERA.Net RUS was the first joint call activity in which prominent Russian Funding Parties (RAS, RFBR, RFH and FASIE) were jointly participating in a multilateral funding scheme. The major objective of ERA.Net RUS Plus is to deepen the transnational collaboration between EU MS/AC and Russia and to reduce the fragmentation of research programmes along national funding lines. This joint undertaking will create synergies and strengthen the cooperation among the consortium members. Other principal goals of ERA.Net RUS Plus are to further develop the instrumental setting for joint funding activities and thus to provide a solid basis for a joint programmatic approach to be pursued in the near future. This programmatic approach will assure the desired and necessary sustainability of the cooperation between EU MS/AC and Russia and a lasting impact. ERA.Net RUS Plus will therefore be the next important step in further linking Russia and their key research communities to the European Research Area.

Research fields covered by the network

  • Environment
  • Health
  • Industrial production
  • Materials
  • Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
  • Socio-economics sciences and humanities
  • Other: Innovation

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
ERA Net RUS plus - Joint Calls 2019 – Call for S&T Projects one-stage 21/10/2019   31/01/2020

Submitted: 140


Funded: 9

ERA Net RUS plus - Joint Calls 2017 – Call for innovation Projects one-stage 20/07/2017   19/09/2017

Submitted: 43


Funded: 7

ERA Net RUS plus - Joint Calls 2017 – Call for S&T Projects one-stage 02/05/2017   04/07/2017

Submitted: 186


Funded: 28

ERA Net RUS plus - Joint Calls 2014 – Call for S&T Projects two-stages 25/06/2014 25/09/2014

Submitted: 216


Submitted: 81


Funded: 18

ERA Net RUS plus - Joint Calls 2014 – Call for Innovation Projects two-stages 31/03/2014 28/05/2014

Submitted: 68


Submitted: 43


Funded: 18