Project: Replicability Concept for Flexible Smart Grids

The main objectives of ReFlex are (a) to develop a replicability concept and guidelines for the deployment of technologically feasible, market based and user friendly solutions for smart grids with a high level of flexibility, and (b) to establish a Community of Practice (CoP) for in depth knowledge exchange between regional Smart Grid demo regions across the participating countries providing workshops and demo site visits of practitioners, stakeholders and researchers. A ReFlex Guidebook shall help the industrial actors and stakeholders in 9 demo regions and others to deploy their smart grid solutions accordingly. The replication concept and guidelines will be developed in trans-disciplinary workshops based on research from a inter-disciplinary research team from engineering and socio-economic disciplines. ReFlex takes into account all aspects of the energy system such as technological solutions, new rules and regulations, participatory processes, social acceptance and business models.

Acronym ReFlex (Reference Number: 77564)
Duration 01/03/2016 - 27/02/2019
Project Topic flexibility, storage, demand side management, voltage regulation, replication strategies
Network ERANet SmartGridPlus
Call ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus - Joint Call for Proposals

Project partner