ERA-NET Transport
Basic Information
The ERA-NET TRANSPORT wishes to enlarge the existing consortium with two additional partners: Poland and Denmark, so the consortium in the future brings together 13 partners from 11 European countries with a total research funding of Euro 294 million p.a. The enlargement and the proposed supplementation of the work programme is based on the full integration of Poland and Denmark in the existing ERA-NET TRANSPORT activities thereby fulfilling the recommendation of "Evaluation Summary Report" for the ERA-NET TRANSPORT proposal (No. 510223). The enlarged consortium with Poland and Denmark will not only enhance the potential scope for cooperation, but also contribute to the creation of the ERA through the proposed additional task "Setting up cooperative national transport research programming". Both countries are at the moment in a process of setting up or resetting their national transport research strategies and programming. In return, the resulting precise and validated feedback information will fertilise the modernisation of existing programmes and programming practices towards national contributions to the European Research Area. The full text of the proposal summary can be found in chapter B 1.2 and an elaborated text on the proposed Task 1.6 can be found in chapter B 7.7. The enlargement of ERA-NET TRANSPORT requires an additional grant to the budget of 697.904 ?. The additional funding is necessary to ensure a full incorporation of the new partners in the existing and supplementary activities of ERA-NET TRANSPORT. The continuously monitored project costs indicate that the existing budget of ?3.2 million just covers the costs of the existing programme and consortium and by no means will be able to sustain further activities and partners.
Research fields covered by the network
- Transport
Is connected with
United Kingdom
Joint Calls
No joint call activities found.