Project: Clinical implementation of Multidimensional Phenotypical drug Sensitivities in pediatric precision oncology

Acronym COMPASS (Reference Number: ERAPERMED2018-121)
Duration 01/03/2019 - 28/02/2022
Project Topic European clinical pediatric precision oncology platforms (INFORM, MAPPYACTS, iTHER) have already prospectively analyzed over 1.000 cases of relapsed pediatric cancers by applying next generation sequencing (WGS, WES, RNAseq) and microarray-based technologies (methylome, transcriptome). While in 50% of the patients druggable pathways can be identified, the remaining lack actionable alterations, particularly brain tumors, sarcomas and neuroblastoma, indicating significant currently unmet needs in precision medicine. Here, we propose that adding direct functional testing of drug sensitivities of patient-derived (PD) cancer cells to our molecular profiling consortium will provide additional key information for precision pediatric oncology. The COMPASS consortium has three aims: I) establish a standardized ex vivo drug sensitivity testing platform to discover unexpected drug efficacies and drug re-positioning opportunities, II) discover new biomarkers and molecular mechanisms for the drug efficacies seen, III) generate a large-scale online data resource of drug efficacies with integrated omics data providing a basis for novel precision therapies for incurable pediatric tumors. To achieve a high concordance in a multi-center setting, we will share SOPs, a core set of genetically defined pediatric PD tumor models and a COMPASS core library containing clinically approved drugs. We believe that this consortium will deliver breakthrough insights based on the following strengths i) integration of samples, knowhow as well as clinical and molecular data from key European centers in pediatric oncology, ii) significant track record in collecting multi-omics data from 1000+ pediatric oncology cases, iii) incorporation of direct functional testing as a new platform for efficacies of cancer drugs for individual patients and iv) creating an open-access data resource of molecular and functional profiles for facilitating clinical trials and future precision clinical cancer care.
Network ERA PerMed
Call 1st Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2018)

Project partner