Project: PERsonalized MEdicine Approach for asthma and allergy Biologicals seLEction
Acronym | PERMEABLE (Reference Number: ERAPERMED2018-214) |
Duration | 01/03/2019 - 28/02/2022 |
Project Topic | In total, 50 million Europeans are affected by allergic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis. Approximately 10% of patients with asthma and atopic dermatitis suffer from uncontrolled disease despite high doses of steroids. These patients can benefit from innovative targeted, but also expensive and burdensome treatments, so-called biologicals. A transparent access to biologicals and a systematic assessment of treatment response is missing, causing distress to patients and a burden to public health. Aim of the multi-disciplinary PERMEABLE consortium (a Private-Public-Partnership) is to develop the urgently needed personalized medicine approach for a just, save and effective, thus PERMEABLE access to biologicals for allergy patients across Europe, based on individual susceptibility to molecular mechanisms targeted by the available biologicals. This study combines (a) clinical research to define and structure clinical decision making and to apply these in a proof of principle Pan-European cohort of young biologics users with (b) advanced preclinical studies using innovative functional cell models and non-invasive omics to develop clinical applications, and (c) scalable, cloud-based IT solutions to allow for multilingual data management, big data analysis and clinical-decision making tools to guide treatment. The consortium will involve European patient organizations, will specifically address the needs of young patients (threatened by a potentially life-long course of disease) and will also address the effects of sex and gender known to be important in allergy development and treatment. The consortium builds on extensive expertise in the field of personalized medicine and functional genomics of allergic diseases and combines this knowledge with innovative analytical methods and IT approaches already explored and established in previous international projects. Maximal transparency to the patients and the public will be combined with maximal data protection. |
Network | ERA PerMed |
Call | 1st Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2018) |