Project: Early PREdiction and personalized PREvention of Metabolic Syndrome of pregnancy and PREeclampsia
Acronym | MSOP-PRE (Reference Number: ERAPERMED2020-346) |
Project Topic | Metabolic syndrome of pregnancy (MSOP) is not well defined; however, it affects 15-20% of women and increases the risk for obstetrical complications. In the current proposal, we will define MSOP; generate personalized prediction models for MSOP and its complications through these aims: Aim 1- Characterization of the clinical and epidemiological aspects of MSOP using population-based cohorts and developing prediction models for MSOP and obstetrical complications. The exposome database is comprised of 1) clinical information from medical records of Soroka University Medical Center (>300,000 deliveries) and Clalit HMO; 2) dietary and life-style habits; 3) lab results; 4) women's genome; and 5) environmental exposure that will be used for the definition of MSOP (Modules 1A&B), and be validated in cohorts of participating centers. Aim 2- Establishment of a prospective clinical cohort of 1,700 pregnant women to Identify factors affecting the individual risk for MSOP and its complications and collect data and samples at: 1) enrollment (1st trimester); 2) 2nd trimester; and 3) labor and delivery (Module 2A). Aim 3- To Incorporation and studying factors influencing individual risk for MSOP and its complication preeclampsia, using a multimodal ‘systems medicine’ approach (exposome, genome, proteome, microbiome), to detect personal modifiable risk factors. We will use the prospective cohort enriched by exposome drivers from personal questionnaires and environmental assessment and system biology tools (Modules 2B&3A). The goodness of fit of the personal prediction models will be: 1) compared to standard predictive models; 2) define the increment of improvement; and 3) implement appropriate interventions (Module 2B). We believe that using the unique set-up of hospital and regional health systems, along with researchers' expertise and facilities ensures successful implementation of the research program, improvement of maternal health and impact on her long-term quality of life. |
Network | ERA PerMed |
Call | 3rd Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2020) |