ERA - Space Technologies Applications & Research for the Regions and medium-sized Countries

Basic Information


The existing and planned European space programmes have considerable impact on dedicated European regions. The ambitious European space projects aimed by ESA and or by the EU offer a wide range of innovative applications in many fields of daily life with the scope of establishing Europe as a world-wide respected partner in technology and economic penetration.Both of these efforts are supported through public funds. In order to make coherent these various support policies of aerospace applications developments, the ERA STAR REGIONS consortium has been formed to concert the regions'own efforts with the European and national activities, aiming maximum advantage for all partners. It is the special interest of the regions to interweave the space initiatives with their economic development and scientific profile. In this project, the active European space regions combine their existing programmes by investing their communality, developing joint strategies, deepening and extending their already space local existing networks and pooling their programmes toward joint inspiring application oriented projects over the next decade.

Research fields covered by the network

  • Space

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
ERA-STAR REGIONS COORDINATED CALL 2008 two-stages 01/01/2008 01/07/2008 01/08/2008

Submitted: 5


Funded: 2

Era-Star Regions Coordinated Pilot Call two-stages 01/12/2006 28/02/2007 30/04/2007

Submitted: 18


Funded: 6