Project: Climate Services for the Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus

Duration 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2020
Project Topic The aim of CLISWELN is to advance the provision of Climate Services (CS) for drought-related decision making, by using the water-energy-land nexus (WELN) to integrate the cross-sectoral links of drought-risk management with further synergistic co-benefits between the provision of climate services and long-term societal objectives like sustainable land planning, mitigation of CO2 emissions and other locally relevant policy targets connected with the Sustainable Development Goals. CLISWELN will study case studies with conflicting water uses dealing with cities, regions and river basins that have specific drought-related vulnerabilities: large amounts of water used for bioenergy, suboptimal forest management compromising water availability downstream, and a vulnerable touristic sector operating in the dry season. The cases are substantially conditioned by the links captured by the WELN, the stakeholders lack tools to understand all its implications, and considering the WELN is necessary for achieving policy coherence with long-term societal objectives. CLISWELN will make the impact of the project last beyond its timeline. CLISWELN will create and foster a meeting point for bringing together a variety of experiences, know-how and approaches from each case study, focusing on reduced risks, and on the economic and environmental benefits of considering CS from an integrated WELN perspective.
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Network ERA4CS
Call ERA4CS Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development

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