Project: Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention

Duration 15/09/2017 - 14/09/2020
Project Topic Fire represents one of the main disturbances for vegetation, causing profound transformations at different temporal and spatial scales which affect ecosystems, landscapes and environments. Climate change is expected to bring increased forest fire risk by altering the water cycle at seasonal time scale, by increasing the occurrence of prolonged droughts and heat waves in the Mediterranean basin, as well as in Alpine ecosystems and boreal forests, with severe environmental and economic consequences. This project aims at creating an international collaborative community , expert in remote sensing soil and vegetations, risk management and mitigation, to provide climate information along with decision makers and planning authorities in order to: • increase efficiency of decision and policy makers authorities response, to improve the preparedness level of our societies and to limit the high economic cost of climate variability impact on fire and post fire risks, develop methods and specific procedures within the framework of fire and post fire risk management in Europe at climatic time scales (from seasonal to longer time scales), • strengthen the science-policy-society nexus using a participatory approach, by improving already operational or experimentally tested climate services in Europe, tailoring relevant information for decision and policy makers through a participatory and circular approach, capacity building user-based tools, specific training programs, dissemination activities, • increase the information regarding the drought conditions on wildfire and post fire risks management at climatic time scales (from seasonal to longer time scales) for national and local authorities decision-making procedures and planning activities, • collect scenarios on the effects of climate change on vegetation and fire occurrence, • investigate adaptation strategies and approaches to deal with future fire occurrence.
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Network ERA4CS
Call ERA4CS Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development

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